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Painting re-do’s

Sometimes you have to admit that your original choice of colour or paint is not working for other people.  I have used Miss Mustard Seed paint a few times and have never had the paint chip, even though I was painting over another finish.  This old wash stand, for instance, had an orangey varathane finish on it.  I used MMS Tricycle and expected to see chipping, which would have looked great.  However, it didn’t.  I used AS dark wax over the whole piece which created a lovely, deep red colour.  And, it sold right away. (click on photos to enlarge)

Red Washstand

Red Washstand


I thought I was on a roll with red.  When I purchased an old white night stand for next-to-nothing I thought I would try it again.  I knew the stand was nothing special but once I painted it with Tricycle I thought it looked pretty good.  The bonus was that it did chip revealing the old white paint underneath.  For an added kick, I painted the inside of the drawer in AS Emile.


I thought it was cute and would have looked great in a shabby decor.  Apparently, no one else did because I tried to sell it for 2 months at a very reasonable price but got no takers.  I don’t think it was the red but the chippiness that didn’t appeal to most people or maybe it was the 2 things together.

So, I re-did it, this time in an AS Florence/Provence mix which created  a true turquoise.  I took the original knob which was one of those brass flowers shaped ones that had been painted white and I glued one of my mother’s old 1960’s clip on earrings to it.  Of course, it sold right away for the same price that I was asking for the red version.  I don’t know what to conclude from this, although I will concede that it looks better in this version.  Perhaps, I was so carried away with the fact that it actually chipped that I couldn’t see it objectively.




The Shabby Nest

Elizabeth and Co.

The DIY'ers />


Glitter, Glue & Paint

8 thoughts on “Painting re-do’s

  1. I wanted to keep the red one, chips and all, for our den. but the turquoise one does look “prettier” so I guess that’s why it sold (to a woman) and the red one didn’t (more manly I suppose, and men don’t seem to be the avid buyers). hmph!

  2. I love them both! I guess it just takes the right buyer at the right time. Aqua is pretty hot right now…maybe the red was too bold for the masses? Good that you were not so attached you couldn’t rethink it. Either way, great transformations! I would love to invite you to share at my Weekend Beautiful Blog Party 🙂

  3. Unfortunately you can never predict what people will want. It really is just a matter of the right buyer coming along at the right time. I think your little piece looks cute in both colors!

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