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More Shibori Pillows

I recently wrote about using chalk paint to create shibori type designs on fabric.  I enjoyed learning about the process as I was dyeing the fabric and the results were good but not spectacular.  The best thing about dyeing with chalk paint is that it is easy: mix a bit of water into the paint, saturate the fabric for about 20 minutes, rinse, then iron the fabric when it has dried.  Here are some of the pillows:pillows-6

I am happy with the result but chalk paint does limit the type of design you can do.  Shibori needs contrast and in order to get that with paint it can’t be watered down too much.  You can’t get deep colour using paint nor can you get sharp design

I love the process of creating shibori design so much that I have moved on to dye.  Traditional shibori is done with indigo dye but I started with Procion MX dye which is a fiber reactive dye.  You can dye in cold water by adding salt to the bath and later soda ash which sets the dye.  Once it has been washed out, the dye is permanent.

Shibori is done with tying, binding and stitching fabric to resist the dye in places which is how the pattern is created.  These pillows were done with binding or blocking:



The graphic  turquoise, blue and white one was done with clothes pegs.  The flower shape or starburst is a simple binding design.

My favourite technique so far is stitch shibori.  Designs are created by basting sections of the fabric then gathering the stitches tightly.  The pillow in the foreground was red dye on cotton duck.  You can see the zig-zag  created by the gathers.


These 2 were done on silk shantung.  Procion MX can be used on silk but it is not the best dye for it, an acid dye is preferred .


They turned out beautifully any way.  The arrow-like pattern is another binding type.  You pleat the fabric, wrap it around a rope, then tie string over the whole thing.  The diamond shapes were created with stitching on folds.

What I love about the technique are the endless designs and the surprises that you get from time to time.  I find it a very satisfying craft.

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