Painterly Trends in Home Decor

The painterly look has been very popular in home decor for a few seasons.  It can be seen in fabrics, rugs, drapes, furniture and linens.  Painterly refers to a painted effect where you can see brush strokes, watercolour designs or bright colours.  Basically, it’s meant to look like a painting.  It is not for  minimalists who go for neutrals and spare design but even in their rooms, it can add a splash of colour and pattern.

These vintage linen napkins were ice dyed to create an abstract pattern of reds, yellow and pink.  As each one was dyed individually, they are like mini-abstract paintings.



I have used ice dyeing for a similar effect on pillows as well.  These ones have a watercolour effect.  The blue one could be called Waterfall.

image3Final Images - 2048 px -1I made a few tote bags this summer that have an Impressionist look to them that was also created by ice dyeing.

If you want to read more about the trend, read this article.

Or visit my site:


Why I stopped painting furniture

Four years ago, I discovered the joys of Annie Sloan chalk paint.  I had just retired from 36 years of teaching high school and painting furniture filled a huge gap in my life.  I do not have the fine motor skills to be an artist but furniture transformation made me feel like one.  I loved everything about the business, from looking for bargains to paint, choosing a colour or technique, to marketing the piece.  But, the drive has started to wear off.  I don’t enjoy lifting large pieces, I have to paint in my kitchen or dining room and there is an explosion of fellow furniture painters.  I have to credit my stockist, Katrina, from Malenka Originals with the success of her business for this explosion.  She introduced Ottawa to chalk paint and thousands seem to have embraced it.  Many women are doing and loving what I did 4 years ago and I just don’t want to compete any more.  I have painted many beautiful pieces and I know there are some very happy people who bought them.  Here are a few favourites:


Annie Sloan actually led me to another hobby/obsession-dyeing fabric.  I have become a textile artisan and have taught myself Shibori, Ice-dyeing and Sashiko embroidery.  Here are some examples-the first pillow was done with a flour paste resist and black dye.  The second one is an example of ice-dyeing.  You can find my shop here:

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