A Whimsical Dresser

zig zag3I bought this vintage maple dresser knowing that I wanted to try something like this zig-zag pattern on it. The dresser is probably about 50 years old, solid maple, even the drawers, and not very big. Its size makes it perfect for a child’s room. I have seen dressers painted like this online and wanted to give it a try.

Creating a pattern is really trial and error.  I used chalk to draw the lines and then began taping.  There are some very reliable methods of creating a clean line when using tape: you can see one of them here.  This video uses painter’s caulk; another method is to use tape and paint the base coat over the tape then the new colour.  Both methods work but I couldn’t figure out how to do them with so many lines and different colours.  So, I taped then painted one colour, waited for it to dry, then did a different colour.  This method requires that you remove the tape, wax ( so that the new paint won’t peel off ) and re-tape for the new colour.  Time-consuming and not fool-proof-I had to do a lot of touch-ups where the paint bled under the tape.

Orignally, I painted the pattern in a colour-block pattern:zig zag6

But, I realized that the middle 2 drawers were the same size, so after I painted them, I decided to see what they looked like when they were switched.  The effect is more of a zig-zag pattern and I prefer it.zigzag 2

The paint is all Annie Sloan Chalk paint but most of the colours have been mixed to create the tones that you see.  Only the Old White and the Graphite are unmixed.  One of the wonders of chalk paint is how easy it is to create new colours.

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The wooden handles are original to the dresser.  I stripped them and left them in their natural state.  I think this dresser will look lovely in a child’s room.zig zag bureau

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Linking up with:

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McCall Manor






The Creative Circle week 61




Making Broken Beautiful | No. 34


