Painting re-do’s

Sometimes you have to admit that your original choice of colour or paint is not working for other people.  I have used Miss Mustard Seed paint a few times and have never had the paint chip, even though I was painting over another finish.  This old wash stand, for instance, had an orangey varathane finish on it.  I used MMS Tricycle and expected to see chipping, which would have looked great.  However, it didn’t.  I used AS dark wax over the whole piece which created a lovely, deep red colour.  And, it sold right away. (click on photos to enlarge)

Red Washstand

Red Washstand


I thought I was on a roll with red.  When I purchased an old white night stand for next-to-nothing I thought I would try it again.  I knew the stand was nothing special but once I painted it with Tricycle I thought it looked pretty good.  The bonus was that it did chip revealing the old white paint underneath.  For an added kick, I painted the inside of the drawer in AS Emile.


I thought it was cute and would have looked great in a shabby decor.  Apparently, no one else did because I tried to sell it for 2 months at a very reasonable price but got no takers.  I don’t think it was the red but the chippiness that didn’t appeal to most people or maybe it was the 2 things together.

So, I re-did it, this time in an AS Florence/Provence mix which created  a true turquoise.  I took the original knob which was one of those brass flowers shaped ones that had been painted white and I glued one of my mother’s old 1960’s clip on earrings to it.  Of course, it sold right away for the same price that I was asking for the red version.  I don’t know what to conclude from this, although I will concede that it looks better in this version.  Perhaps, I was so carried away with the fact that it actually chipped that I couldn’t see it objectively.




The Shabby Nest

Elizabeth and Co.

The DIY'ers />


Glitter, Glue & Paint